Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 1

So I'm posting this @ 11 p.m. of the same day of the previous post.  Here's how the day went.  I weighed in at 293.5 lbs this morning and my measurements are 53.5" bust; 48.5" waist; 58" hips.  I ate some cottage cheese; 4 strips of bacon; 2 egg omelet with cheese; sliced tomato; 2 cups of coffee with 1/2 & 1/2; 3 glasses of non-fat milk; 3 Whitman chocolates; a tangerine; sticky bun with butter; gluten-free pasta; mixed nuts; caramel corn & finally, some dark chocolate rice chips that Bob gave em for Valentine's Day.  This day did not turn out as I planned at all.  I felt great this morning but slowly, I started feeling not right.  My neck and upper back started hurting and when that stopped, my lower back REALLY hurt.  Then the problem with my intestines started.  They were doing what they're supposed to do which is get rid of something toxic but man, it just sapped my motivation.  I ate a bunch of sweets, which made me realize I need to get rid of all of it.  I thought I could have it in the house if it was in the back of the cupboard, not in plain sight but today proves that isn't the case.  I did get a few chores done but no exercise.  One of the notes I made to myself was the reason I want to do this is because my body freaking hurts all the time.  I get sore when I do work out but it's a different kind of pain from the hurt of obesity and non-activity.  The note was actually a voice memo I recorded on my phone and I'm leaving it on there to remind myself why I'm doing this.  But for right now, I'm going to bed.

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